Frequently Asked Questions
- Grace Bible Church | Grandville, Michigan
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- Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. All newcomers to Grace are welcomed by our hospitality team as well as the membership at Grace. We also have times of greeting for new attenders frequently that follows our morning worship service. This time of greeting is scheduled from time to time as needed.
Yes, (INCLUDE A LINK HERE) We have programs from infant to high school age every Sunday at 9 am for our Bible study hour. Nursery for infant to 3 years of age is provided during the worship hour.
Yes. Grace offers a Bible study hour each Sunday morning from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. In addition to the Sunday morning Bible study hour, there are small groups available for those that wish to meet at a different time during the week.
Grace has alway has a strong global mission focus. About 23% of all gifts to Grace goes to supporting our missionaries. Some of these missionaries serve in other parts of the globe, some of them serve stateside.
Grace has multiple entrances that accommodate those with limited mobility. This includes a wheelchair or walker accessible ramp as well as an elevator.
We encourage all who regularly attend Grace to help with the financial responsibilities of the local church as well as assist with supporting our local and global ministries. Contributions can be made via a giving box that is available each week, or via secure online giving
Our worship service typically runs for 75 minutes, from 10:15 am to 11:30 am.
All are welcome. We encourage you to join us and let us know how we can best serve you.
This could be a link to our statement of faith /what-we-believe
The scripture is clear that we live in a fallen world. We know that scripture is clear stating that all fall short of God’s standard. When we keep in mind that fact that we all are born sinners, the social and cultural issues that we see, though disheartening at times, are ultimately in God’s hands.
We believe in a plurality of elders. The pastor serves as one of the elders. These men are responsible for the shepherding of the flock and they serve as the final authority for all decisions within Grace. Should you desire more information in regard to church governance at Grace, please let us know and we can have a conversation. Our church’s constitution is alway available if desired
On a typical Sunday, you will see 170 – 190 people in attendance. This attendance can fluctuate between summer and winter months.
Our worship is deeply rooted in Scripture and features a mix of timeless hymns and praise choruses. We strive to focus on Biblical worship, including the public reading of God’s Word and opportunities for corporate prayer. Music plays a vital role in worship, so you’ll experience a thoughtful blend of traditional and more modern songs, all grounded in Scripture that ties into the message
There are many areas in which all can serve at Grace. From working with our outreaches such as East Elementary School to providing rides for those that cannot drive. We will do our very best to find a place where you can serve.
At Grace you will see anything from more formal dress to very casual. Come dressed as you are comfortable