Music & Worship

Worship and Word are at the core of what we do at Grace Bible Church. Exalting the name of Christ and going deep into His Word are what define our weekly worship services. We do that by bringing together the doctrinal richness of traditional hymns with the fresh expressions of contemporary worship.



The Grace Choir

The Grace Choir is comprised of men and women high school age and above. They not only help to lead the congregation in worship, but prepare and sing a variety of musical styles to encourage the body of Christ. We are also a close small group who shares and prays regularly for one another. The choir meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00pm. (September – May) If you would like more information or are interested in joining the choir, contact Ann VanderMey. (


Grace Handbell Ensemble

The Grace Handbell Ensemble provides another avenue for people to use their musical abilities through the ringing of bells. Playing throughout the year, the bells add an additional expression of beauty to our worship. Rehearsals take place on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:00pm. Training can be provided. If you are interested, contact Sarah Stecher.


Instrumental Ensembles

Our instrumental praise teams are essential to our expressions of worship. Instrumentation varies each week using organ, piano, guitars, percussion, brass and strings – all to enhance the praises of God’s people. Additions to the team are always welcome. Talk to Ann VanderMey if you would like to join. (





3715 Wilson Ave. SW Grandville, Michigan 49418
