Section A For Believers At the moment of death the souls or personalities of those who have trusted Christ go immediately into His presence. Their bodies will be raised after the pattern of Christ’s resurrection body, and their personalities will forever be joined to...
Articles of Faith
Person of satan
Satan, otherwise known as the Devil, is a very real angelic person. Though he was created holy, he rebelled against God and sin came into God’s universe. Satan tempted man to follow in his rebellion and man fell into sin. Satan is the enemy of God, of all men, and...
The church
Section A The Local Church The Lord has seen fit to have His saints meet together in local assemblies. The purpose is that they might worship Him, study His Word, sharpen and exercise their spiritual gifts, express love and care for each other, encourage and help...
Christian living
Section A The Divine Standard The kind of life that God demands from His children is one of being like His Son, Jesus Christ. This is the goal that He has for all of His own, and He desires that we be constantly moving in that direction in this present life. He...
Section A Totally by Grace Since man is helplessly bound by the chains of sin, his only hope is that God will rescue him from his impossible condition. The good news is that God has done so! Grace is the display of God’s love to those who do not in any way deserve...
Man was created in the image and likeness of God. Through the rebellion of our first parents all mankind fell into the state of sin. As a result, every human being is born with an overpowering nature bent on sinning. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact that...
The trinity
We believe in only one true god who in a unique but real way eternally exists as three distinct Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Deut. 6:4, Matt. 28:19). Section A God the Father He initiates the plans of the blessed Trinity. He sent His Son to be our...
The holy scriptures
We believe that the entire Bible is truly the very Word of God. Though God used chosen men to write it, He by His Spirit so guided them that this perfect and infallible Book was produced. It stands complete and final, so that no further additions will ever be made...